Cat Feeds & Supplements 

Support your pet’s health and wellbeing with our range of quality nutritional supplements. 


Joint Care Supplements

Contains the Oatinol Delivery System and 12 Active Nutraceuticals.


The most advanced

range of pet feeds and

supplements available

today for providing

optimum health

benefits at an affordable


Joint Aid for Cats
A high specification complementary feed supplement for all cats; designed to maintain healthy joints and aid freedom of movement.
  • Maintains flexibility of movement in all cats.
  • Supports the natural regeneration of cartilage and synovial fluid.
  • Helps maintain the natural anti-inflammatory actions of the catsmetabolism.



Call us now : +6 010-4000 055 / +65 9170 1916

We Love your Pet

Cat Feeds & Supplements

The most advanced range of pet feeds and supplements available today for providing optimum health benefits at an affordable price.

Dog Feeds & Supplements

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Horse & Pony Feeds & Supplements

The most advanced range of equine feeds and supplements available today for providing optimum health benefits at an affordable price.